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Recommended Steps for Protection:

The risks in Internet access come from different threats:

  1. OS (operating system) vulnerabilities
  2. email-bourne virus and worms
  3. access and control of open TCP/IP ports
  4. P2P (peer-to-peer) Internet file-sharing
  5. web browser hijacks and redirects

We realize that it is impossible to keep you updated on the latest threats directly. Therefore, we offer this resource to help you identify risks, evaluate protection measures, and configure the security measures for your personal computer.

OS (operating system) vulnerabilities

A lot of news is devoted to new threats to Microsoft Windows, the most predominately used OS to connect personal computers to the Internet. This makes it the target of most malware designed by hackers; and while new vulnerabilities are discovered almost every day, this can make the check for, and install of updates, almost a daily activity.

NOTE: Microsoft no longer develops updates (called Service Packs) for their Windows 95 OS, and the life-cycle support for Windows 98, 98 Second Edition, and Millennium Edition OS's will end in 2006.

Microsoft Security & Privacy web site offers recommendations on protecting your Windows computer.

We recommend the use of the Windows Update Center at least weekly; and the install of availble Critical Updates a nessecity. Available as a Critical Update are the latest version of their web browser, Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1, and e-mail program Outlook Express 6.

The download and install of these updates can take a signifigant amount of time, depending on the "age" (version) of the OS, the missing Critical Updates, and the "speed" of the Internet connection. Microsoft has made available on CD all the cummulative updates (up to October 2003), and can be ordered online at the Windows Security Update CD site. This can help those who will wish to continue using the older Windows OS's when they need to re-install the operating system.

  1. Operating System Updates
  2. Software Firewall
  3. Anti-virus Software


Got questions? Please contact us.